斯坦尼斯拉夫 列本斯基夫妇(Stanislav Libensky/ Jaroslava Brychtova )捷克著名现代玻璃艺术大师,擅长于炉内失蜡脱模铸造玻璃艺术品。斯坦尼斯拉夫的大多数作品都是与其夫人共同创作的。夫妻二人共同将铸造玻璃艺术推向顶峰。其中大部分是大型的雕塑,全部采用失蜡法铸造而成,大量使用简单的几何线条、切面来表现艺术,给人以最大限度的遐想空间。
Stanislav Libensky 个人生平:
1921 - 27.III. Sezemice - Mnichovo Hradiste, Czech Republic
Education and Professional Experience
1937-9 Attended the Specialized School of Glassmaking in Novy Bor (Haida) and Zelezny Brod 1939-44 Studies at the School of Applied Arts in Prague, glass atelier under Prof. J. Holecek 1949-50 Studies at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague, glass atelier under Prof. J. Kaplicky 1945-54 Lecturer at the Specialized School for Glassmaking in Nový Bor and designer for glassworks in the region Since 1954 Works together with Jaroslava Brychtova 1954-63 Director of the Specialized School for Glassmaking in Zelezny Brod 1963-87 Head professor of the Glass Atelier at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague Since 1982 Guest lecturer in Stanwood, WA, Pilchuck Summer School; Detroit, Michiganc, Center for Creative Studies - College of Art and Design as well as in other locations in the USA, together with Jaroslava Brychtova head of numerous glass workshops Since 1984 Private studio Zelezny Brod 2002 Stanislav Libensky died February 24 at the age of 80.
Jaroslava Brychtová 个人生平:
1924 - 18.VII. Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic
Education and Professional Experience
1936-44 Real. Gymnasium Turnov 1945-51 Studies at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague under Prof . K . Stipl 1947-50 Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague under Prof . J . Lauda 1950-84 Designer for the national concern, Zeleznobrodské sklo in Zelezný Brod in department "Glass for architecture" which she founded (1950) Since 1954 Works together with Stanislav Libensky Since 1982 Guest lecturer in Stanwood, WA, Pilchuck Summer School in Detroit, Michigan at the Center for Creative Studies, College of Art and Design and in many other locations in the USA. Together with S. Libensky head of numerous glass workshops.. Since 1984 Private studio Zelezny Brod Presently living and working together with her husband, S. Libensky in Prague and Zelezny Brod.
